Reverend Evered Community Leader Scholarship
The Reverend Evered community leader scholarship is given to deserving high school seniors who wish to continue their education at the collegiate level. Eligible applicants must exhibit selfless devotion to community service and engagement.

Applicant Requirements:

Must be a graduating senior with a minimum of a cumulative 2.75 GPA.

Must be a graduating senior in JROTC from any high school in the Greater Charlotte, North Carolina area.

Must be accepted into a higher education institution. The start date must be the fall of each academic school year.

Must have 50 verifiable community
engagement hours.

Must write a personal essay about overcoming difficulties in their life and future plans to make their community a better place.

Must be a graduating senior with a minimum of a cumulative 2.75 GPA.

Scholarship Expectations
Recipients of the Reverend Evered community leader scholarship will receive $10,000 in scholarship funds. Life’s a Gamble Entertainment Inc will issue a check directly to the recipient’s chosen higher education institution, to which they have been accepted for the upcoming fall semester of the academic school year,